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Apparently, Robot Taxis Hate Fat People and Want Them Dead [WATCH]

Remember, any time you dislike something or disapprove of something, that means you have an irrational and psychiatric fear of it and you hate it like a big old bigot. We know this because woke words tell us:

Disapprove of homosexuality = homophobic

Disapprove of “sex changes” = transphobic

And now introducing a new one: Fatphobia(™).

If you haven’t been lectured about this already, surely you will be soon. What is “fatphobia?” It is, we are assured, the “irrational” “fear” of fat people. You see, you cannot claim that being morbidly obese is unhealthy or unsightly, even though that is the case. No. What you’re really saying is that you super-hate and are really-really-lunatic-scared-of the rolling human dump trucks we now refer to as “people of size.”

The Boston Medical Center (yes, really) confirms that not approving of astonishing obesity is in fact a phobia, and a form of bigotry [1]. What will they come up with next?

Virgie Tovar will be happy to instruct you on your mental illness and needless fear. This lovely lass has just landed herself a chair (a chair of size) at the San Francisco Department of Public Health. Yes, we know the name and existence of this department itself is an ironic joke, but go with me here. Virgie is the city by the bay’s new “fat positivity” expert.

She would like you to know that public health departments should aim for “weight neutrality [4].” That means that no medical professionals should bigotedly claim that being the size of a house is in any way unhealthy at all. It is oppressive and discriminatory to counsel weight loss, you see. And anyway, it’s just not true that being a blimp increases your chances of disease and early death, Virgie assures us.

But unlike the morbidly obese, fat phobia is easy to miss unless you look carefully. But it’s insidious, and it is everywhere. This vile form of discrimination has even found its way into self-driving taxis, as these two “queer automotive educators” of size tell us.

Watch and cringe below:

That’s right. The self-driving taxi is fat-phobic? How? Because the passengers were so large that the seatbelt locked in the crash position.

Surely social media will be sympathetic to this latest frontier in civil rights.

Aw, this one is mean.

If you enjoyed this article, check out WokeSpy [14] for more like it.