Hector David Jr., known for his role as the Green Ranger in the “Power Rangers” franchise, has been sentenced to jail time after pleading guilty to misdemeanor battery in an incident involving an elderly man in Idaho last year.

The sentencing took place on Wednesday in a Canyon County Court, where David admitted to the charge.

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According to court documents, the judge sentenced him to 180 days in jail, but 135 days of the sentence were suspended.

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As a result, David will serve 45 days in jail, provided he adheres to the terms of his probation.

The court also imposed two years of supervised probation and ordered David to complete 100 hours of community service.

The incident that led to the charges occurred in July 2024 in Nampa, Idaho.

Authorities reported that David got into an argument with an elderly man over a parking spot.

The man, who used a walker, was shoved to the ground during the altercation. While the man was not seriously injured, the confrontation sparked outrage and led to a police investigation.

After the incident, David fled the scene in his truck, but local community members helped law enforcement identify him.

A judge issued an arrest warrant, and David was later apprehended.

Prosecutors formally charged him with battery in late July.

This sentencing marks the conclusion of a case that garnered significant attention, given David’s ties to the popular “Power Rangers” franchise.

The actor, who appeared as the Green Ranger in Power Rangers Samurai, has not commented publicly on the incident or his sentencing.

David’s probation terms and community service requirements highlight the court’s intent to hold him accountable for his actions while offering an opportunity for rehabilitation.

Should he fail to comply with the conditions of his probation, he may face additional jail time.

The incident serves as a reminder of the responsibilities public figures have in setting a positive example, as well as the consequences of confrontations escalating into violence.

As David begins his sentence, the case highlights the importance of accountability, regardless of one’s celebrity status.